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What is SEO and why you must pay attention

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO for short) is the process of getting web pages to show up in “search engines” like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO for short) is the process of getting web pages to show up in “search engines” like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

The job of an SEO is to increase the visibility of a website in organic search results, which also increases traffic to the target website. Why? Because there are over 3.5 billion searches per day on Google alone! And those searches are made up of people from all around the world looking to:

  •  Learn more about a topic
  •  Solve a problem they have
  •  Learn how to do something
  •  Buy a product

These searches will be performed with keywords that relate to the topic of their search.

For example, someone interested in dog grooming may look for:

Dog grooming near me
Dog grooming in London
Bio dog grooming shampoos
How to groom my dog at home
Cheap dog grooming brushes
The search engine they’ve chosen – in most cases Google – will then search its database.

This is important to businesses and website owners.

Why is important?

Because if they’re offering a solution to the problem that is been searched for… They have the chance to be seen by thousands of people who are interested in that topic.

Why Do You Need SEO?

SEO increases traffic.

This means it’s important to get the webpages that you care about to show up for the right terms within a search engine.

This can expose your website to tens, hundreds or even thousands of new people (or customers) every day.

SEO is an incredible opportunity to grow a business/website and it’s revenue.

Is SEO Dead?

One of the main question we get asked in the industry is: Is SEO dead?

As with all marketing practices, once it becomes harder to get results, someone will eventually say that it is dead.

This creates a panic and a lot of doubt. So, let me ease those two ailments for you.


As long as people need search engines and websites need visitors…

SEO will be an effective practice.

But there are a few things worth understanding to help qualify that statement.

Firstly, SEO is becoming more and more competitive.

It’s easy to create a website and take a business or idea online. That means there are more and more people trying to rank for the same keywords.

It also means there are more people using SEO practices to help them get there.

Secondly, the landscape of SEO is always changing.

Search engines like Google, are constantly changing their algorithms to make them more effective and to provide a better service.

There are also new types of searches – like voice search – which will change how we approach SEO.

These two factors point to a thriving SEO industry that is more important than ever before.

How Much Does SEO Cost?

SEO doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Most basic SEO techniques can be done without spending a penny by using free SEO tools for keyword research, link building and site optimisation.

However, it is advisable to invest in SEO tools to help you perform better research, measure progress and steal what’s working for your competitors.

If you choose to take the DIY approach, you can use tools like:

  •  SEMRush
  •  Ahrefs

…to accelerate your results.

If not, you can hire A KIWI Agency or another agency to do the hard work for you.

How Long Does It Take To See SEO Results?

You will typically start seeing results from SEO within the first 4 weeks but there isn’t really a right or wrong answer to this question.

However, at the very least you should expect to see positive movement in rankings and search visibility within the first few weeks.

If you don’t – something might be wrong.

There are lots of factors that going into deciding how quick you will see results from SEO such as-

  1. The keyword you’re trying to rank for
  2. The competitiveness of the niche
  3. The age of your site
  4. What your competition is doing (if anything)
  5. The search engine you’re trying to rank in
  6. The area and location you’re trying to rank

This means that the level of difficulty can fluctuate and the amount of time it might take.

But if your desired result is to rank on the first page for a competitive keyword…

That could take a lot longer.

However your results can (and almost certainly will) vary, due to all of the factors above.

So don’t let this information put you off because once you get the SEO ball rolling…

It very quickly snowballs!

Wrapping It Up

So now you know exactly what SEO is, why you need SEO and what it can do for you.

Let’s quickly recap everything you’ve just been through:

  •  SEO is the process of getting a website seen by the right people in a search engine
  •  SEO is the most effective ways of finding new business, customers and traffic
  •  An increase in search traffic is often closely linked to an increase in overall revenue
  •  Around 50% of my own personal traffic comes from search engines
  •  SEO is not dead and is a thriving industry, although it’s a little more competitive
  •  The amount of time it takes to see results depends on lots of different factors

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