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Platform and Software

Enhance your infrastructure through cloud computing, microservices, and both internal and external APIs, all of which can improve your SEO and help you secure a top spot on Google’s search results.

Software Development Services: From Concept To Completion

Custom Software

Build custom software tailored to business needs, including front-end interfaces and core back-end technology.

QA and

Ensure technology products and services are robust and error-free through manual and automated QA.

AI and
Data Science

Identify and leverage hidden patterns in your data, use machine learning, AI, and follow modern data engineering principles.

Platform and

Keep applications scalable and resilient with cybersecurity and DevOps experts.

Mobile App

Develop high performance, secure mobile applications for iOS and Android devices.


Create beautiful, user-friendly designs for websites, mobile apps, and other human-machine interfaces.

Platform and

Keep applications scalable and resilient with cybersecurity and DevOps experts.

What's your stack?

Leverage over 4,000 software engineers to build your digital products in whatever tech stack you need.
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Platform development services — the present of digital growth

Grow without production costs

Being a platform development company has its perks. For one thing, your value generation isn’t tied to production costs. When you venture into the business of facilitating the exchanges of operations and services, you can recoup more investments by transferring production costs to outsiders (users, suppliers, sellers, and so on).

Even better, if you already have a strong core product, you can distribute it better by going with a PaaS model. Instead of selling the same product once, you can make use of your investments over and over, tapping into the digital economies of scale. Whether you’re in banking or retail, you can capitalize on the platformization trend. Reach more consumers by leveraging our platform engineering expertise.


Innovate faster

An undeniable perk of platform development is rapid development process. Deploy new applications and digital platform services at unparalleled speed. An open, modular architecture, reusable service components, and a selection of premade internal and external APIs can boost your operations.


Use consumer data accumulated in your cloud-based data lake to figure out customer needs. See which APIs and integrations you can leverage in your online platform to meet their needs. Use cloud DevOps practices to bring new software applications into production faster. Launch to a warmed-up community of customers who are already loyal to your brand.


Scale across markets and verticals

Digital platform development and consulting aim at turning your business into a cross-industry power broker. Online platforms can easily tap into other product verticals, markets, and business models with a cloud-based core. The ability to integrate any number of external players or extend systems to third parties will help your business pursue emerging market opportunities.


Leverage your existing user base to gain an unfair advantage over the competition. Complement your core services with value-added propositions extending to different aspects of your custom lifecycle. Extend your brand presence to emerging sales channels — voice, IoT, social applications, and more — to be present whenever and wherever your customers need you.


Our platform development services

We’ve successfully assisted numerous industry leaders across automotive and real estate sectors in launching innovative B2C digital platforms and expanding their B2B services.

API & system integration

Enable efficient data exchanges and communication between all digital platform services.


Manage your ecosystem with centralized control mechanisms and real-time visibility.

Maintenance & support

Ride the network effect without worrying about degradation or downtime.

Digital platform engineering

Work out the optimal architecture design and bring it to life.

Infrastructure / IT services optimization & automation

Land in the cloud without technical debt by eliminating, automating, and consolidating.

Data engineering

Get supported in data center consolidation and resource optimization to break data silos.

Security & assurance

Leverage our platform development team’s cybersecurity expertise to mitigate risks.

Let’s buid innovative software platforms

Our Website Development Process

Our risk-free project discovery establishes a solid foundation for software development. We conduct a series of interviews and workshops with the client to define the project, its scope, and technical constraints, and to prepare a customized proposal.
The subsequent stage in our end-to-end application development involves a detailed technical estimation for project delivery. We present the client with a project roadmap, accompanied by a feature-based cost estimate.
Project development is done in milestones and according to the project roadmap. Euristiq regularly invests in its Code Framework and software development approaches.
Release and Support
To ensure a flawless application transition from Euristiq to the client, all architectural components are documented, and all source code is transferred to the client’s version control system.

FAQs about Platform & Software Development

Looking to learn more about software development for your business? Browse our FAQs
Platform and software development refers to the process of designing, building, and maintaining digital platforms, applications, and software solutions to address specific business needs and requirements.
Custom software development is crucial because it enables businesses to create tailored solutions that align perfectly with their unique processes, increasing efficiency, and improving competitiveness.
To select the right software development company, consider factors like experience, expertise, past projects, client reviews, and their ability to understand and meet your specific needs.
Web development primarily focuses on creating websites and web applications, while software development encompasses a broader range of applications, including desktop software, mobile apps, and more.
Agile is an iterative approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer feedback throughout the development process, resulting in quicker and more adaptive solutions.
Cybersecurity is essential in software development to protect sensitive data and user information. It involves implementing security measures and best practices to safeguard against cyber threats.
Yes, software platforms are often designed to be scalable and adaptable. You can upgrade and expand your platform as your business needs evolve.
Software development costs vary widely depending on project complexity, features, and scope. It’s essential to have a clear project scope and budget in place before starting development.

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